Pre-Authorization Process

Preauthorization is a type of legal restriction placed on certain health services, medications and tests by NHIF. This obliges the hospital to check and take permission from the NHIF first, before providing certain services to determine if the patient’s plan covers the cost of the said service or not.

NHIF Benefit Packages

The following NHIF benefit packages require pre-authorization.

Oncology Benefit Package (Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Brachytherapy)

Dental Benefit package

Optical Benefit Package

Radiology Benefit Package (MRI, CT Scan)

Surgical Package

Overseas treatment


Facility sends a pre-authorization request online via hospital portal. The hospital is supposed to send all pre-requisite documents to support the requisition.


Request is received by NHIF online.


The request is reviewed and actioned.


Member is notified via text or hospital notifies members on the outcome of the preauthorization.

*Emergencies are acted upon as per the constitution and the contract between NHIF and the hospital.

Turnaround for response is up to a minimum 24 working hours or a maximum of 48 hours once all relevant information has been received.
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